Naming of two new Canadian Coast Guard patrol vessels

Canadian Coast Guard patrol vessel

The new vessels, currently under construction in Halifax, Nova Scotia, are expected to enter service in the spring of 2012. They will be named "CCGS Caporal Kaeble V.C.", after the late Corporal Joseph Kaeble, V.C., and "CCGS Private Robertson V.C.", after the late Private James Peter Robertson, V.C..

"CCGS Caporal Kaeble V.C." and "CCGS Private Robertson V.C." will be used in a joint Canadian Coast Guard/Royal Canadian Mounted Police program to enhance maritime security along the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence system. These vessels are the first of nine new mid-shore patrol vessels, that the Government of Canada intends to name after heroic Canadians who put their duty ahead of their safety in service to our country.

Each vessel will be approx. 43 m in length, have a top speed of 25 knots and a range of 2000 nautical miles, and be able to stay at sea for two weeks without reprovisioning. With greater speed and range, and the ability to better operate in difficult environmental conditions, these new vessels will enable the Canadian Coast Guard to perform duties more efficiently.  

The Government of Canada has announced names for two of the Canadian Coast Guard’s new mid-shore patrol vessels.


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