Multi-purpose workboats ordered from DBB Salvage
Neptune Marine will construct the boats using its in-house EuroCarrier 2495 design. Delivery is scheduled for June and July 2019 and the vessels are intended for use primarily on construction projects. With standard equipment including a crane and both towing/anchor handling and tug winches, the type can undertake work including anchor handling, dredging support and general support services. To comply with Danish Flag State rules, Neptune is making a series of modifications including upgrades to the sleeping accommodation such as full shower rooms for cabins and changing the layout of the living area on the main deck to add two new entrances, a changing room and a direct stairway to the bridge. DBB has also specified its own package of additional equipment, comprised of its in-house system of twin hydraulic spudlegs for use in depths of to 12m and moonpools for the deployment of equipment for multi-beam surveys, A-frames, special fendering, enlarged propellers to increase the bollard pull and the upgrades required to achieve tug notation.