First installation of rigid sail and solar power system will pave the way for 2018 sea trials

Several bulk carriers are currently being assessed for sea trials, such as the Belgrano
The company, which is now cooperating in the project with Japanese shipowner Hisafuku Kisen K.K. of Onomichi, is preparing for the first shipboard installation of an integrated rigid sail and solar power system using EMP’s patented technologies including the EnergySail.
Aquarius MRE is an advanced integrated system of rigid sails, marine-grade solar panels, energy storage modules and marine computers that will enable ships to tap into renewable energy by harnessing power from wind and sun. The rigid sails used by Aquarius MRE are based on EMP’s EnergySail technology. These renewable energy devices will be used to supplement power requirements both when ships are underway and when they are at anchor or in harbour. Each EnergySail can be configured with a mix of sensors, photovoltaic panels or other power generation devices.
Several bulk carriers are currently being assessed to identify the most suitable vessel on which to conduct sea trials, likely to take place next year. The vessels are the 81,870dwt Belgrano, the Nord Gemini of the same size, and the 55,486dwt Bulk Chile. For each ship, an estimate of the propulsive power that could be provided by an EnergySail array will be prepared according to the routes on which they operate. Following ship selection, a trial configuration incorporating all the elements of Aquarius MRE will be installed and evaluated over a period of approximately twelve to 18 months.