Ulstein to design methanol-fuelled offshore wind vessels for Acta Marine

Illustration of the CSOVs
(Source: Ulstein)
Netherlands-based Acta Marine has ordered two dual-fuel Ulstein SX216 construction service operation vessels (CSOVs), to be built at Tersan Shipyard in Turkey. The vessels will be the first to be constructed to the Ulstein Design & Solutions’ Twin X-SternTM design, and the contract includes options for two more ships, also of SX216 design.
Rotterdam-based Ulstein Design & Solutions, a subsidiary within the Norwegian shipbuilding group, claims that the new stern arrangement reduces motions, increases comfort, and improves fuel efficiency. It is best described as “a ship with two sterns and four main propeller units – two at each end,” the company said in a statement. The X-Stern at each end results in “excellent operability with either end towards the weather, without limitation on vessel speed”.
The 89.9m-long ships will have accommodation for up to 135 persons on board, a walk-to-work motion-compensated gangway, a 3D motion-compensated cargo crane, and space to carry a daughter craft for in-farm transfers.
The hybrid power setup is designed to run principally on green methanol and will be complemented by a battery package, integrated in such a way as to allow the most fuel-efficient modes of operation, reduced maintenance costs, and low emissions, Ulstein said.